Mackinac Island


Abstracts 2024

Zarina Ali

NTRK-Rearranged Mesenchymal Tumor in Non-NF1 24yo male, S/P Multiple Resections, Chemotherapy, and Radiotherapy

Justin Brown

Nerve Transfers for Elbow Extension in Tetraplegia: A Case Series
Massachusetts General Hospital
S. Bazarek

Justin Brown

Nerve Transfer for Restoration of Grasp in Tetraplegia: two strategies to improve the results of brachialis to AIN

Lars B. Dahlin

Long-Standing Pain and Cold Sensitivity Resembling a Glomus Tumour with Unclear MRI Signals but Without Any Found Glomus Tumour

Lars B. Dahlin

Proteomics of Human Nerve Biopsies in Diabetic Neuropathy and After Nerve Injury Using Quantitative Mass Spectrometry of Posterior...

Lars B. Dahlin

Schwannomatosis-NEC (Not Elsewhere Classified) ‚ Principles for Diagnosis and Routines for Follow Up - Tumor
Department of...

Lars B. Dahlin

Statin Treatment is Associated with a Lower Risk of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but Not of Ulnar Nerve Entrapment, in Type 2 Diabetes...

Kristen Davidge

Predicting The Need for Primary Nerve Surgery in Infants with Brachial Plexus Birth Injury
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto,...

Christopher Dy

Pain Interference Prior to and 1 Year After Surgery for Adult Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury
Washington University School...

Brian Gander

Large Nerve Gaps in the Pediatric Patient
University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics - Madison, WI
P. Attaluri, A....

Amgad Hanna

Proximity of LFCN to ASIS Plays a Role in the Development of Meralgia Paresthetica
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Christian Heinen

Life Quality After Decompression of the Pudendal Nerve – Is Surgery a Viable Option?
Christliches Krankenhaus, Quakenbrück,...

Andrew Jack

Epidemiology and Characterization of Canadian Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Patient Candidates For Upper Extremity Functional...

Line Jacques

Sciatic Nerve Injury from Direct Transection by Femoral Cerclage Wire: Case Report and Management Nuances

Line Jacques

Somatic Mosaic SOX10 Indel Mutations Underlie a Form of Segmental Schwannomatosis
Merryl Terry, Rohit Gupta,...

Stephen Kemp

Restoring Lost Function with Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interfaces and Implanted EMG Electrodes
The University of Michigan,...

Stephen Kemp

The Composite Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interface (C-RPNI) Facilitates Multimodal Sensory Afferent Signaling and Neuroma...

Zhongyu Li

Surgical Treatment of Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in Young Athletes - A Stepwise Approach
Wake Forest University...

Johnny Chuieng-Yi Lu

Delayed Salvage of a Denervated Gracilis-FFMT with a Vascularized Nerve Flap in Severe Brachial Plexus Injury
Chang Gung...

Johnny Chuieng-Yi Lu

Evaluation of MRI-Assisted Diagnosis of C5 Root Quality and Long-term Functional Outcomes After Nerve Grafting in Traumatic...

Johnny Chuieng-Yi Lu

Exploring Reinnervation within the Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interface Through the Perspective of the Neuromuscular Junction

Rajiv Midha

Acute Versus Delayed Experimental Obturator to Femoral Nerve End-Side Transfers
University of Calgary
Tak-Ho Chu, Amanda...

Rajiv Midha

Preconditioning Donor Nerve Using Focused Ultrasound Neurotomy
University of Calgary
Tak-Ho Chu, Nicolas Lasaleta, Siyun...

Willem Pondaag

Sensibility of the hand is diminished and disabling in children with C5-C6 brachial plexus birth injury
Dept of Neurosurgery...

Christine Radtke

Analysis of Various Silks in Regard to Nerve Regeneration: Material Properties and Schwann Cell Response
Medical University...

Shimon Rochkind

Restoring Motor Function in Long-Term Paralyzed Muscles: Insights from Experimental and Clinical Evidence on Peripheral Nerve...

Alexander Shin

The Use of Grayscale Muscle Ultrasound to Indicate Muscle Recovery After Peripheral Nerve Reconstruction
Mayo Clinic, Rochester...

Alexander Shin

An Update on Incisionless Ultrasound Guided Thread Carpal Tunnel Release
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
Jeffery S. Brault,...

Robert Spinner

Hamartomas and Choristomas of Nerve: Similarities, Differences and Opportunities
Rochester, MN, USA
Hamartomas and choristomas...

Jeffrey Strakowski

High Frequency Ultrasound Evaluation of Post-Surgical Median Recurrent Branch Neuropathy: A Case Report
The Ohio State University,...

Jeffrey Strakowski

Ultrasound Evaluation of Post Covid-19 Neuralgic Amyotrophy: A Case Report
The Ohio State University

Suganth Suppiah

Neural Crest-Like Cell State in MPNSTs is Dependent on SHH Pathway Activation
Toronto Western Hospital, University of Toronto

Shane Tubbs

A Deeper Understanding of the Anconeus Epitrochlearis, Osborne’s Ligament, and the Ulnar Nerve: Application to Decompression...

Sami Tuffaha

Contemporary and Emerging Surgical Approaches for Spasticity
Johns Hopkins
D Lubelski, A Belzberg
A number of exciting,...

Sami Tuffaha

Nerve Transfers for Tetraplegia
Johns Hopkins
D Lubelski, A Belzberg
Nerve transfers have emerged as an effective approach...

Eric Zager

An Unusual Femoral Nerve Lesion
Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA
Zarina Ali, MD,...